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Thank for taking the time to fill in the short quiz, I hope the questions were as informative as the results! Talking about results, your answers suggest that right now you’re best suited to join the OnlyAuthors.club for continuous support and resources.

You’re looking for ongoing learning and community engagement to enhance your writing career. Our membership program offers a wealth of resources, regular feedback, and a vibrant community of authors to keep you inspired and improving, no matter what stage you’re at in your writing journey.

Next Steps: Become a member of OnlyAuthors.club and enjoy continuous growth.

Learn to scale with your assets, not your time.

Debbie Jenkins

Join the OnlyAuthors.club

We all need a little help and support from time to time. Our books won't sell themselves. 

Get your book written and keep it working for you with our open cohort. Do it yourself with expert guidance.

You may join our OnlyAuthors.club at any time. This is our self-service membership site, an open cohort, where you get access to all the content, courses and checklists my one to one clients receive. This will take you through the exact process and system I use with all my writing clients, that has helped over 140 authors get their book(s) written. You also get regular and frequent group coaching calls and accountability. And you’ll be encouraged to use your book assets, develop marketing plans, take action on book marketing tactics. Once per quarter we do a full Book Marketing Strategy Canvas session, where we set goals and plans for using your book assets for the following quarter. You’ll get book marketing playbooks and swipe files.

And you get access to me in the calls for a fraction of the price if you were one to one.

Get the books that will help you scale with your assets, not your time

Get the books to scale with your assets not your time