This Now, Now, Now page is where I’ll keep you informed of what I’m working on now, my own personal writing, some client stuff (what I can divulge, most of my clients wish to remain anonymous), my life things and my most recent reading.
During 2017 a lot changed for me – the biggest change was buying and moving to the “Disaster Farm”. Allegedly it has potential. It took us a year to find somewhere to house nineteen animals (chickens, ducks, cats, dogs, goats and horses), that was big enough for growth, and cheap enough for us to afford. Let’s see how it progresses.
I have done very little writing on my book. The move to the Disaster Farm was quite disruptive (at least this is my excuse, and I’m sticking to it.)
2018 and 2019 have been my consolidation years – the Disaster Farm is running ok. We have happy animals, and can manage with the glassless windows and doorless walls.
Derek Sivers came up with the idea for a “now page” – read why he thinks it’s a good idea.
Some recent posts are included below.
20 Frequently Asked Questions about writing a business book
Thinking about writing a book? STOP!
I know it’s fashionable to write (or to ‘be writing’, but that’s
People don’t buy coaching, consulting, training, and stuff – find out what they DO buy…
You’re not selling coaching. Nobody buys coaching…You’re not selling consulting. Nobody buys
Should I do it? Pick your constraints!
My brother said: “I know too little about too much!”This is the
Are you the bottleneck in your business?
I am a reformed engineer.You may not know this, but I trained
The Only Guide to Credibility Clues: Are you helping your potential clients make good decisions?
When a potential client is considering working with you they are looking